Setting Up Ingress on a Cluster
Setting up your edge networking on a cluster, and learn a bit about GlobalServices and Add-Ons
Setting the stage
A very common problem a user will need to solve when setting up a new cluster is getting edge networking set up. This includes solving a few main concerns:
- Ingress - this sets up an ingress controller for load balancing incoming HTTP requests into the microservices on your cluster
- DNS registration - you can use externaldns to automate listening for new hostname registrations in ingress resources and registering them with standard DNS services like route53
- SSL Cert Management - the standard K8s approach to this is using Cert Manager.
plural up
gets you 90% of the way there out of the box, you'll just need to configure a few basic things. We provide a consolidated runtime chart that makes installing these in one swoop much easier, but you can also mix-and-match from the CNCF ecosystem as well based on your organizations requirements and preferences.
The tooling you'll use here should also generalize to any other common runtime add-ons you might need to apply, which are all optimally managed via global services and if the templating is done well, will require a very small set of files to maintain. Some of these concerns can be:
- setting up datadog-agent in all your clusters
- setting up istio/linkerd service meshes in your clusters
- setting up security tooling like trivy or kubescape in your cluster
- setting up cost management tooling like kubecost
Setting Up The Runtime Chart
We're going to use our runtime chart for now, but the technique can generalize to any other helm chart as well, so if you want to mix and match, feel free to simply use this as inspiration.
First, let's create a global service for the runtime chart. This will ensure it's installed on all clusters with a common tagset. Writing this to bootstrap/components/runtime.yaml
The global services will all be written to a subfolder of bootstrap
. This is because plural up
initializes a bootstrap service-of-services under that folder, so we can guarantee any file written there will be synced. Sets of configuration that should be deployed independently and not to the mgmt cluster ought to live in their own folder structure, which we typically put under services/**
Changes will not be applied until they are pushed or merged to your main branch that the root apps
service is listening to.
apiVersion: kind: GlobalService metadata: name: plrl-runtime namespace: infra spec: tags: role: workload template: name: runtime namespace: plural-runtime # note this for later git: ref: main folder: helm repositoryRef: name: infra # this should point to your `plural up` repo namespace: infra helm: version: x.x.x chart: runtime url: valuesFiles: - runtime.yaml.liquid
Notice this is expecting a helm/runtime.yaml.liquid
file. This would look something like:
plural-certmanager-webhook: enabled: false ownerEmail: <your-email> external-dns: enabled: true logLevel: debug provider: aws txtOwnerId: plrl-{{ cluster.handle }} # templating in the cluster handle, which is unique, to be the externaldns owner id policy: sync domainFilters: - {{ cluster.metadata.dns_zone }} # check terraform/modules/clusters/aws/ for where this is set serviceAccount: annotations: {{ cluster.metadata.iam.external_dns }} # check terraform/modules/clusters/aws/ for where this is set {% if cluster.distro == "EKS" %} ingress-nginx: config: compute-full-forwarded-for: 'true' use-forwarded-headers: 'true' use-proxy-protocol: 'true' ingress-nginx-private: config: compute-full-forwarded-for: 'true' use-forwarded-headers: 'true' use-proxy-protocol: 'true' {% endif %}
You'll also want to modify terraform/modules/clusters/aws/
to add the dns_zone
to the metadata, it will look something like this once complete:
Usually DNS is managed by systems that predate adoption of Plural, so we don't provision it by default. We often recommend users create subdomains and register them w/ their root domain using an NS record to give their k8s cluster a sandboxed scope to register their dns entries in.
locals { dns_zone_name = <my-dns-zone> # you might also want to register this in the module, or likely register it elsewhere. Just the name is sufficient. } resource "plural_cluster" "this" { handle = var.cluster name = var.cluster tags = { role = "workload" # add this to allow for global services to target only workload clusters tier = var.tier region = var.region } metadata = jsonencode({ dns_zone = local.dns_zone_name # reference the local variable we created above iam = { load_balancer = module.addons.gitops_metadata.aws_load_balancer_controller_iam_role_arn cluster_autoscaler = module.addons.gitops_metadata.cluster_autoscaler_iam_role_arn external_dns = module.externaldns_irsa_role.iam_role_arn cert_manager = module.externaldns_irsa_role.iam_role_arn } }) kubeconfig = { host = module.eks.cluster_endpoint cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.eks.cluster_certificate_authority_data) token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token } }
Notice also, we've already prebuilt the iam policies for external-dns for you in terraform/modules/clusters/aws/
. If you want another add-on, you can easily imitate that pattern, or you're free to tune our defaults as well. The terraform that does it looks like this:
module "externaldns_irsa_role" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks" version = "~> 5.33" role_name = "${module.eks.cluster_name}-externaldns" attach_external_dns_policy = true attach_cert_manager_policy = true oidc_providers = { main = { provider_arn = module.eks.oidc_provider_arn namespace_service_accounts = [ "plural-runtime:external-dns", "external-dns:external-dns", "cert-manager:cert-manager" ] } } }
And uses some off-the-shelf tf modules they have created. It's output is then plumbed to the plural_cluster.this
resource which allows the dynamic templating in the runtime.yaml.liquid
file. In general, any file can add a .liquid
extension, and our agent will dynamically template it. You can read more about that here.
Setting Up AWS Load Balancer Controller (AWS only)
EKS is very bare bones and doesn't ship with a fully featured load balancer controller by default. To get full support for provisioning NLBs and ALBs, you should deploy the load balancer controller to your cluster, which would be done with a global service at bootstrap/components/aws-load-balancer.yaml
apiVersion: kind: GlobalService metadata: name: aws-load-balancer-controller namespace: infra spec: cascade: delete: true tags: role: workload template: name: aws-load-balancer-controller namespace: kube-system protect: true # protect prevents deletion in the UI, but also tunes the cluster drain behavior to leave this service in-place which can help w/ cleanup helm: version: "1.8.2" chart: aws-load-balancer-controller url: valuesFiles: - loadbalancer.yaml.liquid git: folder: helm ref: main repositoryRef: kind: GitRepository name: infra namespace: infra
The helm/loadbalancer.yaml.liquid
file would then be:
clusterName: {{ cluster.handle }} createIngressClassResource: false serviceAccount: create: true name: aws-load-balancer-controller-sa annotations: detach {{ cluster.metadata.iam.load_balancer }} # notice this is also from terraform/modules/aws/
Setting Up Cert-Manager
Cert-Manager is an almost ubiquitous component in kubernetes and usually should be managed separately. We'll set it up, and also provision a Route53 dns01 issuer alongside it (write to bootstrap/components/cert-manager.yaml
apiVersion: kind: GlobalService metadata: name: cert-manager namespace: infra spec: cascade: delete: true tags: role: workload template: name: cert-manager namespace: cert-manager repositoryRef: kind: GitRepository name: infra namespace: infra git: ref: main folder: helm helm: version: "v1.x.x" chart: cert-manager url: valuesFiles: - certmanager.yaml.liquid
The values file needed here is and should be placed in helm/certmanager.yaml.liquid
installCRDs: true serviceAccount: name: cert-manager annotations: {{ cluster.metadata.iam.cert_manager }} securityContext: fsGroup: 1000 runAsNonRoot: true
The runtime
chart does provision a letsencrypt-prod
issuer using the http01 ACME protocol, which usually requires no additional configuration. It might be suitable for your usecase, in which case the following is unnecessary. We have noticed it's more prone to flaking vs dns01. Also it can only work on publicly accessible endpoints since it requires an HTTP call to a service hosted by your ingress.
This sets up IRSA auth to cert-manager to allow dns01 ACME cert validations to succeed using Route53. You'll then want to create another service to spawn the cluster issuer resources cert-manager uses, you can do this by adding a file at services/cluster-issuer/clusterissuer.yaml
apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: dns01 spec: acme: server: email: <your email> # replace here privateKeySecretRef: name: letsencrypt-prod # ACME DNS-01 provider configurations to verify domain solvers: - dns01: route53: region: us-east-1 # or whatever region you're configured for
And now you can add a final global service in bootstrap/components/cluster-issuer.yaml
apiVersion: kind: GlobalService metadata: name: cluster-issuer namespace: infra spec: cascade: delete: true tags: role: workload template: name: cluster-issuer namespace: cert-manager repositoryRef: kind: GitRepository name: infra namespace: infra git: ref: main folder: services/cluster-issuer # simply source the raw yaml from the services/cluster-issuer folder
Push to Deploy
We registered all these manifests under the root bootstrap
folder a plural up
-derived management cluster listens to by default, so all you should need to do is either:
git commit -m "setup our cluster runtime" git push
or create a PR, approve it, and merge to have the global service deploy to all your clusters.
You might need to wait a minute or two for the system to poll git and realize there's a new change.
Once you've configured all of these, you should see the new Global Services at https://{your-console-domain}/cd/globalservices.